Monday, February 21, 2011

H.R.3 – No Taxpayer Money for Abortion Act Sponsored by Representative Christopher Smith (R-NJ)

Written by: Rachel Pazda
I recently was made aware of a bill that is before the House of Representatives, H.R. 3 – No Taxpayer Money for Abortion Act. Based on the title it would seem the goal of Rep. Smith and others who are supporting the bill is rather straight forward… to stop taxpayer money from funding abortions. Fair enough, members of Congress have the right to propose bills for and against Reproductive Rights; it’s what makes our country great, the right to fight for what you believe in even when a person across the aisle disagrees with you. But the bill isn’t just about abortion funding; it’s about funding abortions that are being sought by rape victims.

Although it would be easy for me to, without pause, destroy the whole bill with simple logic and legal argument, I will focus on only one key point: Mr. Smith and his compatriots are attempting to redefine rape. The fight for rape to even be properly acknowledged in society has yet to be won, and if the wording in H.R. 3 is not drastically altered the progress made for victim’s rights will be effectively negated. According to the bill, only victims of “forcible rape” will be eligible for tax dollar assistance to fund the abortion of a pregnancy that was a result of the assault. The phrase “forcible rape” is not elaborated or defined throughout the rest of the text. Which raises some somewhat obvious, but non-the-less important, questions: What is force? Is coercion force? What about refusal to accept “No” for an answer? What if the rapist had drugged the victim, would that be considered force? Or is a rape victim only allowed to claim to be “forced” if she is covered in blood and bruises? If the victim is on life support due to her injuries and is unable to even request an abortion because she is in a coma, is that force enough? Or would the abortion still be unfunded due to the fact that since the rape victim is unable to make the decision it would most likely fall to the family to make the decision and since legally the woman cannot be forced to have an abortion wouldn’t it technically be illegal to fund the abortion procedure with tax dollars? Seems like a rather complicated, unnecessary can of worms that would re-victimize women who have been raped because Mr. Smith doesn’t want to pay for abortions with tax revenue. Perhaps I am wrong to believe that we should actually increase funding to help the victims of rape with counseling and medical services rather than decrease their aid, but I don’t think I’m wrong. It is wrong and irresponsible for our government to pass a law that is in its very essence a definition of victim blaming and minimization of trauma experienced by women who are raped, whether their bruises are in their skin or in their psyche.

As an individual, I ask you to take action and speak up! Call your Congress people and let your representatives in Washington and in your state capitals know what you think. I know I will make my representatives aware that I am not ok with this law and as citizens representatives they are obligated to vote as their constituent’s desire. I have included a link that can be used to find out who your representatives are if you are unsure.

Just choose your state, enter your zip code + 4 digit zip code extension and click on “Contact My Representative”.  You will be directed to your representative’s website.

Below is a link to the text of H.R.3.

“It might be more worthwhile if we stopped wringing our hands and started ringing our congressmen.”  ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The "Ins and Outs" of Valentine's Day

by Lauren Little
Assistant Supervising Counselor

St. Patrick has his day; ghouls and ghosts even get their own too. It’s only fitting that lovers should have a day on the calendar as well. By the 14th of February, whether or not Cupid’s pegged you from behind (no pun intended), you’ve undoubtedly witnessed the overblown commercialism that is the Valentine’s day blitz. Is there anything real or earnest about the exchange anymore?

Well, there’s a few ways to ensure that at the very least the sex is real, up to par, and, of course, safe:

-Planning. It’s what makes Batman the best at what he does and you can be guaranteed he does it in the bedroom too. If you can make it appear spontaneous, there are bonus points to be scored, but going to extra mile can be surprising in itself. You don’t need a utility belt to stash your condoms, water-based lube, and dental dams, instead, strategically place them around the bedroom or intended places of fornication. Wherever that may be. Remember if you don’t have time to strategically purchase your condoms and lube so that the middle-aged cashier at Walgreen’s doesn’t notice, come stop by Hayes Annex C on South Campus to stock up on your FREE stash. Oh yeah, and Lifestyles Ultra Lubricated and Durex Love condoms have snazzy red packaging that fits the Valentine’s theme.

-Be Creative. There’s no Oscar for Most Mediocre Performance. Think outside the box (or get in one if you’re into that sort of thing) and try something different. As long as it’s safe (no hanging from the ceiling fan that’s missing a few screws), GO FOR IT! Of course, make sure you and your partner discuss new positions, toys, etc before trying them out. Keep in mind, whatever your muse inspires you to try, always use latex! No one wants their most memorable Valentine’s Day to be the one they got Chlamydia.

-Be Romantic. Nothing says, “I love you,” like a Hallmark card and a box of Russell Stover. Oh wait, just about anything is more romantic than that. Instead of just shoving a box of chocolate and a few roses into your partner’s arms, place the otherwise inert petals in the bed and seductively feed your lover the chocolates. This harkens back to the Be Creative clause. Also, if you’re thinking about using chocolate in other, more imaginative, ways, it’s best to keep it away from lady parts. Nothing spoils the post-Valentine’s Day glow like a sugar fueled yeast infection. Yummo! However, guys, you’re free to go swim in the stuff if you so much as please (so not fair, right?). If are really looking to spice things up taste wise, condoms, dental dams, and water-based lube come in a variety of seductive flavors.

-Love yourself! You don’t have to commission a ten foot tall nude portrait of yourself riding a tiger, but don’t sell yourself short either! Don’t feel obliged to sleep with someone just because you feel the date predicates it; make sure it means something and you’re getting exactly what you want out of it. If it’s your first time with that person, make sure you use protection and discretion. If your only date for the night is with Facebook, close down the laptop and treat yourself to a nice candle-lit bath. Or, if you’re stuck in the dorms, go take a nice hot shower and take as long as you want in there. No one’s judging!

These are just a few of the many things to think about for February 14th. If all else fails, remember, there’s always March 14th.

Pi Day. Because who doesn’t like pie! (What were you thinking about?)