Myth: Rape is only committed by strangers in dark alleys and parking lots.
Fact: As many as 84 percent of women are raped by someone they know, such as friends, family or an acquaintance.
Myth: If a woman is raped, then she must have deserved it, especially if she agreed to go to the man's room or wore sexy clothing.
Fact: No one deserves to be raped. Being in a man's room or wearing revealing clothing does not mean a woman has agreed to have sex.
Myth: Women who don't physically fight back haven't been raped.
Fact: If a woman did not or could not consent to having sex, it is considered rape. Forcing a woman to have sex against her will, whether she physically fights back or not, is rape, plain and simple.
Myth: If there isn't a weapon involved, you haven't been raped.
Fact: Whether the man uses a weapon, his fists, the weight of his body, verbal threats, drugs, alcohol, or takes advantage of a woman's diminished physical or mental state to force her to have sex, it is rape.
Myth: It's not rape if the man is her boyfriend or husband or if they have had sex before.
Fact: A woman has the right to decide what she does with her body at all times - if she does not want to have sex, it is her decision, even if she willingly had sex with the man before.
Myth: If a woman lets a man buy her dinner or pay for a movie or drinks, she owes him sex.
Fact: No one owes sex as a payment to anyone else, no matter how expensive the date.
Myth: When a woman agrees to "make out" with a man, she is implying that will have intercourse with him, too.
Fact: Everyone has the right to say "no" to sexual activity, regardless of what has preceded it, and to have that "no" respected.
Myth: Women lie about being raped, especially when they accuse men they date or other acquaintances.
Fact: Rape really happens -- to people you know, by people you know.
Myth: When men are sexually aroused, they need to have sex or they will get "blue balls." Also, once they get turned on, men can't stop themselves from forcing sex on a woman.
Fact: Men don't physically need to have sex after becoming aroused any more than women do. Moreover, men are still able to control themselves even after becoming sexually excited.
Myth: Only women are raped.
Fact: Ten percent of rape cases involve men as a victim.
Myth: If both people are drunk at the time of the incident, no one can be accused of rape.
Fact: Being drunk does not mean someone cannot be accused of and convicted of rape.
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